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Pagoda Garden Tea House

pagoda garden tea house

Blue Angels - No Parking

Is it still angels when there is only one plane or is that referring to the passengers?Blue's Angels on USS Wisconsin

The USS Wisconsin has been shown here before.

Mermaid - College Place and Dunmore Street

Norfolk Mermaid - College Place and Dunmore Street

PETA's Backyard Watering Hole

Elizabeth River near PETA's headquarters

Brambleton and Boush - Daffodils in the City

Daffodils in the City

Mine! Mine! Mine!

The Virginia Beach version of a vulture. I know they're thinking, Mine! Mine! Mine!

Food Lion parking lot - March 2010

Dancing Statue of Liberty

As the dreaded tax deadline date approaches in mid-April, teenagers across the area are dressing up as the Statue of Liberty to advertise Liberty Tax Services.
Dancing Statue of Liberty

These dancing statues were seen moments later in the local grocery store buying red bull for $1.99 a can Plus Tax.
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